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2021 Election for Executive Board of SEIU Local 221

Important information regarding the Executive Board Elections.

Contact Information

This election was managed by an Independent Election Contractor, Merriman River Group, under the supervision of the Local 221 Election Committee

Our contact information is as follows:

Merriman River Group

5901 West Century Boulevard, Suite 750
Los Angeles CA 90045
888.450.8683 (phone)
310.684.3188 (fax)

Please refer all election questions to Matthew Fitch, Executive Director,

Dennis Green, Election Committee Chair,

Información de contacto

Esta elección está siendo gerenciada por un Contratista Electoral Independiente, Merriman River Group, Bajo la supervisión del Comité de Elecciones del Local 221.

Nuestra información de contacto es la siguiente:

Merriman River Group
5901 West Century Boulevard, Suite 750
Los Angeles CA 90045
888.450.8683 (teléfono)
310.684.3188 (fax)

Envíe todas las preguntas sobre las elecciones a Matthew Fitch, Director Ejecutivo,

Dennis Green, Election Committee Chair,