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Contract Update: 600-plus at CAT meeting ready to fight for a fair contract!

April 15, 2022

Thursday night’s Contract Action Team meeting was the biggest Zoom turnout in our Union’s history!

Our members heard updates from our County Bargaining Team Thursday, and we made a commitment to stand strong and fight for a strong contract.

RSVP now to tell the County that “Now is the Time!”

"Now is the Time!" Super Rally
Starting at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 23
County Administration Center

1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego 92101
Save your spot at
Make sure to wear purple

Earlier this month, our Bargaining Team came out with a strong opening offer led by 8 percent across-the-board wage increases that reflect our public service and sacrifices during the COVID pandemic.

This week the County responded with its opening offer for a three-year contract:

The County’s opening offer is both double the value of the first three years of our final contract from 2017 and not nearly enough to address high turnover, fill vacant positions and provide quality staffing throughout San Diego County.

Let's all unite to ensure that the County respects us, protects us and pays us.

Actions like these are how we move the Supervisors and get the fair contract that we deserve.

If you have questions, ask your Bargaining Team member, contact your organizer-representative, email or call (858) 560-0151.