Unite with your coworkers on Saturday. Join us starting at 9 a.m. at Teralta Park for SEIU Unity Day. We will have an opportunityto add our "strong contract goals" to our vision board and take a selfie, stay for tacos and a Union T-shirt or just drive by.
SEIU Unity Day
9 a.m. today, March 5
Teralta Park at 40th Street and Orange Avenue
BATHROOMS AND PARKING available thanks to SEIU-USWW at 4001 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego 92105.
There are no bathrooms at the park
Sign up now at seiu221.org/unity
And make sure to sign the petition supporting a strong San Diego County contract at seiu221.org/values.
If you have questions, contact your organizer-representative, email CountyContract@seiu221.org or call (858) 560-0151.