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Justice for janitors!

January 26, 2023

Add your name to support custodial workers in their battle with contractor Nova Commercial Co. at San Diego County buildings

Janitorial workers, seeking to be represented by SEIU-USWW, filed Unfair Labor Practice charges and demanded that Nova Commercial Co. rehire workers terminated for speaking out about their working conditions at the San Diego County Administrative Center.

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Workers described being “forced to kneel down and peel wax off the floor with a knife and chemicals for eight hours" without protective equipment, causing nausea and vomiting.

Tuesday, Jan. 24 update: The janitors agreed to return to work until action can be taken at the next Board of Supervisors meeting. However, janitor leader Sofia Martinez was clear that an agreement won't be reached unless the contractor Nova “agrees to recognize our union, brings back the workers who were fired illegally with back pay, makes our wages whole to compensate for lost time and agrees to safer working conditions without harassment and retaliation.”

The Janitors' fight for justice and a safe workplace continues. For the next two weeks the fight moves from the picket line to the negotiating table. If a deal cannot be reached, a continuation of the strike is likely.