Executive Board Election Information
Click below to get more election resources and information for the independent group that proceeded over the election.
Read MoreThe Executive Board is the highest leadership body of our union. The primary role of our executive board is to inspire, motivate, and develop member leaders into action who are passionate about devoting time and talent to building a leadership team within their worksites. Our Executive Board sets the vision and program of our union and encourages members to exercise their leadership potential. That means members govern and are at the heart of every decision in our union. At the head of our member-driven governance is our union’s Executive Board.
Our Executive Board is made up of democratically elected leaders from across our membership, and is elected by fellow union members. The board meets bi-monthly to help shape the direction and priorities of our union. Guided by SEIU Local 221’s Constitution and Bylaws, members of the Executive Board make decisions about our union’s budget, policies and other organizational issues. The officers and board members are active union members representing every division in our union.
The Executive Board consists of 18 members. To ensure a representative governing body, there are several groups of seats which include:
The Executive Board of SEIU Local 221 has developed Board policies that are meant to establish best practices and ensure that the Board’s operations are transparent.
Click below to get more election resources and information for the independent group that proceeded over the election.
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